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Breast Cancer Symptoms

February 24, 2021


The most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer is having a mass or a lump, either detected by a screening mammogram, or felt by the patient. Not all breast lumps are cancerous, some are benign. And countries with breast cancer screening programs, breast cancer is detected on mammogram and some are detected by feeling of breast lump. Women who do not have access to screening mammography or who are younger than 40 years old may have a breast or an axillary mass. All the possible symptoms include swelling of the breast, breast or nipple pain, dimpling of the breast skin, changes in the nipple, such as nipple retraction, redness, dryness, and nipple discharge, and swollen lymph nodes under the arm. The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men include a lump in the breast, breast swelling, changing breast skin, such as redness, dryness, or dimpling, change in the nipple such as pain or discharge. The signs and symptoms of metastatic breast cancer may vary depending on where the breast cancer has spread. Symptoms may include back or bone pain, persistent cough, shortness of breath, unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, headache, confusion, seizure, et cetera.

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