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Male Infertility – Risk Factors

November 29, 2021


So there definitely are factors that raise your risk for male infertility. Environmental factors, such as being exposed to dangerous substances like radiation, lead, mercury. Lifestyle choices, such as being overweight, alcohol abuse, marijuana, cigarettes. Other risks include being over the age of 40, taking certain medications, having certain diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. And finally, if you had a history of undescended testicles or varicoceles, these could lead to male fertility issues. Lastly, being on any form of synthetic testosterone will decrease your sperm counts. Many people don’t realize that being on whether testosterone gels, testosterone injections, or testosterone pellets will decrease your sperm counts. Many times this is reversible, but it’s one thing to know that being on synthetic testosterone will decrease your sperm counts.

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