It is indicated for orthopedic surgery of the pelvis, hip and lower extremities, for some vascular surgery of the legs and arms, for hernia repair, for bladder or kidney surgery in potential combination with general anesthesia, also for some prostate surgery, and surgery of the uterus and ovaries. It’s also usually performed for cesarean section, and to provide pain control during and after delivery. It’s also used for examinations under anesthesia for some procedures, and for some gynecological surgeries. The spinal anesthesia is the technique of choice for cesarean section, just because it avoids general anesthesia and the risk of failed intubation, which is failing to put a breathing tube into your breathing pipe, your trachea. It also means that the mother is gonna be fully conscious and together with the partner can be present at the birth of the child. The prolonged postoperative analgesia given by a spinal anesthesia helps in the recovery of the mother and to be present right after the baby’s born. The spinal anesthesia is also a favorable alternative when the surgical site is amenable to spinal blockage. That is mainly for patients going into an ambulatory surgery and having orthopedic surgery. It is also very helpful in patients who have significant lung disease, if the surgery can be done just under a spinal anesthesia. Sometimes, spinal anesthesia is also used for some pediatric interventions. And in some countries, it’s a primary anesthetic due to socioeconomic factors.