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    Doctor Platform. If you already have an invite

    code you can register here

    Register interest to get early access to the Doctor Platform. If you already have an invite code you can register here

A trusted platform to connect with patients and your peers

Join Doctorpedia’s Doctor Platform and share your health and wellness content.
Grow your practice, network, and improve your online presence

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Share your expertise on our doctor-approved and user-friendly platform

Help your patients and people around the world learn about health and wellness topics in a clear and engaging way

Build Your Profile

Build your own video library to engage, educate, and empower

Film and upload clear and engaging health and wellness videos with our easy-to-use platform tools and share your content with patients, peers, and a global audience.


Our platform gives doctors simple tools to create and share engaging content


What doctors love about our platform

Read what doctors are saying about their experiences with the Doctor Platform

"I joined Doctorpedia to provide my patients a user-friendly and doctor-approved platform to learn more about their medical conditions."

"The platform allows me to provide accurate educational content for patients seeking additional information in a patient friendly manner."

"Doctorpedia's doctor platform is the ideal solution for both independent physicians who want to be seen in their community and established hospital-based practices looking to increase exposure to services offered."

Meet Our Doctors

Take a tour of the Doctor Platform

Build your interactive profile to connect with and share content alongside top specialists


Help us build an online healthcare community to transform digital health

Join the Doctorpedia community as we make the Internet a safer place to learn about health and wellness

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Create your online home to express yourself and share your expertise

We are working 24/7 to develop new products and features that can help doctors, patients, and the broader healthcare industry

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