Forks Over Knives




( 0 Reviews)
Offering a similar approach to the Diabetes Recipes App, the $5 Forks Over Knives app helps maintain your health as you live with diabetes through step-by-step instructions for whole-food, plant-based recipes. However, the recipe portions are measured according to the metric system instead of the imperial system, so this app is slightly more difficult for those who are used to measuring in pounds and ounces. Forks Over Knives is a unique app that provides you with easy recipes. It consists of diabetic and non-diabetic meals to suit different people in your household. For the recipes you want to use and prepare to maintain your health as you live with diabetes, Forks Over Knives gives you a handy ‘grocery list’ feature to shop for the ingredients you need. To expose your palate to various flavors and tastes, the app’s recipes are contributed by some of the world’s best chefs.

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