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June 21, 2019

Most birth control is actually about 98% effective, but the problem is that people are not compliant. That is: if you don’t take your birth control pill every day, you have a higher risk of getting pregnant. If you don’t put your patch on every week, you have a higher risk of getting pregnant. If you don’t put the NuvaRing in every 3 weeks (or 3 weeks in and 1 week off) – you have a higher risk of getting pregnant. If you don’t come in and get your shot every 3 months, you have a higher risk of getting pregnant. As you can see, we have a continuous pattern here. It’s when you don’t do what you’re supposed to do in taking whatever form of contraception you’ve chosen is right for you, is oftentimes the most common reason of why people conceive on contraception.

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