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June 21, 2019

When you come into our office for a consultation, you generally first see myself or one of my colleagues that are weight loss surgeons. After that evaluation, if we feel that you are an adequate surgical candidate, we then have you see our dietitian for an evaluation. Then we have you see our psychologist for a mental evaluation. Then after that, we also have you see a gastroenterologist who performs and upper endoscopy at some point to look inside of your stomach and make sure that your stomach is healthy enough to undergo an operation. Patients that are old enough will be sent for a stress test to evaluate their heart and if there are any other tests that need to be done to evaluate a patient’s health in regard to being prepared for surgery, we will order those tests as well. Once all of these evaluations are completed, we meet with the various other specialists and if everybody agrees that a patient is a good candidate for surgery, we then go ahead and schedule the patient for surgery.

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