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IBS – Diet

February 16, 2022


Food is paramount. Diet and food are paramount in irritable bowel syndrome. There’s been a lot of research that has shown that certain foods cause symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome to be accentuated. For example, one of the main diets in irritable bowel syndrome is a Low-FODMAP Diet – so foods that are highly fermentable are avoided. Specifically: dairy, gluten, certain forms of raw fruits and vegetables such as avocados, peaches, pears, vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, beans, artificial sweeteners, and a whole host of foods that have been shown to be highly fermentable and to cause the symptoms of bloating and gas, cramping and/or diarrhea. Food plays a very, very instrumental role in the management of patients with IBS. In fact, if you have a mild form of IBS, you may even be able to control your symptoms strictly in large part just with dietary modifications. Patients on the FODMAP diet are allowed to have alcohol, but we ask them to have it in moderation.

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