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Migraine – Diagnosis

February 22, 2022


“The main thing to know is that migraines can be very complicated – not only in their causes but also in their treatment. Sometimes it’s a multi-factoral approach. The first medication I try may or may not be helpful and we may have to meet multiple times in order to actually help you. Sometimes I may also ask you to put forth some effort in making sure that your lifestyle is not a cause and making sure that you’re keeping a headache diary to see if I’m helping or not. We also need to make sure that we’ve ruled out some of the other common headache disorders and make sure that those are not mimicking migraine and I don’t need those medications to treat what you currently have. I may ask you to do some diagnostic testing and treatment options as a trial to rule out other headache disorders. The most common one I’m asked about is medications and I break that down into two categories: abortive medications (which people think of as “”what can I take right now because my headache is killing me?”” and then prevention or prophylactic therapies (which are something you take every single day to ideally decrease the frequency and severity of the headaches.)

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