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Sexual Health – Drugs Affecting Orgasm

December 10, 2020


Many drugs affect orgasm. The most obvious ones that have been well known and are ones that are helping people who have depression. These are called SSRIs, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. SSRIs increased serotonin, as we’ve found over the many years, elevated serotonin is an inhibitor to sexual activity. So would not be uncommon for someone to have mood that was sad and low and blue and depressed. Take an antidepressant SSRI and fine, they could no longer have orgasm. It makes it actually more complicated to say on these products. But we have antidotes that can help people who have this SSRI induced sexual dysfunction. Illegal drugs in general adversely affect sexual function. It’s so funny because people think that they take ecstasy and marijuana and various other versions of cocaine. And they think how fabulous the orgasms are. It’s their perception, but not the reality. Recreational drugs can affect orgasm intensity, and orgasm experience and delay it. Very common to use, either approved in some states or not approved in other states, version of marijuana that will actually be an inhibitor to sexual orgasm ability, even though some people believe they have better orgasms. The fact is they were inhibited. Endocannabinoid receptors exist in the brain that are activated by the marijuana and they inhibit sexual activity. There are other illegal drugs, ecstasy, cocaine, and they are also inhibitory to orgasmic function.

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