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Stomach Ulcers – Treatment

February 7, 2022


In reference to ulcers, the actual number of surgical procedures performed for ulcers in this country has, I would think dramatically decreased. Okay for garden variety else’s compared to 20, 30 years ago, simply because of the advent of these very potent antacid medications and the recognition that the majority of ulcers are triggered by a bacterial infection, so you give antibiotics, you give the potent and acids. Usually these ulcers heal, they don’t perforate and they don’t bleed. In the case of the bleeding ulcer, sometimes when we do these endoscopic therapies where we actually visualize the ulcer with the scope pass through the mouth nonsurgical and we can either try to control the bleeding with injections or placing clips or burning the a bleeding vessel, if that doesn’t work, then sometimes surgery is necessary to either oversew the ulcer. Or if there’s a complication related to the presence of a chronic ulcer. In other words, the outlet from the stomach becomes very narrowed. Sometimes you have to relieve that outlet obstruction. Surgery may be necessary to do that. Or let’s say if the ulcer that cut a sore in the lining of the stomach has perforated, so now there’s a hole in the stomach, you need to seal that. And so surgery may be indicated for those types of reasons.

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