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Yeast Infection – Treatment

November 10, 2020


If you’re determined to have a positive yeast or positive candida albicans, the next step is to get treatment. There’s several options for treatment. And if you go to the doctor, they’ll likely prescribe you a longer course of an antifungal that you put inside your vagina, say seven to 10 days, or they may prescribe you an oral medication. The oral medication is a medication that you take only once. And it usually works with only one dose. It’s very convenient. And if there’s no contraindications, that’s likely the best way to go. That oral medication is called diflucan, and the vaginal medications come in different forms, like Conazole or clotrimazol or other antifungal forms that can be taken in a vaginal or topical application. They can sometimes come in a cream or our fuels. Now you can get a short course over the counter. You can get a one or a three or even a seven day course from the drug store over the counter.

And if you’re absolutely certain you have a yeast infection, then you can try those over the counter options with very little risk, very little harm. Although every medication has some risks, you might want to talk to the pharmacist about that, but if you have a vaginal yeast infection, you’re not sure what it is, or it comes back regularly, or you want to rule out other potential sexually transmitted infections. Remember yeast is not sexually transmitted in most cases, if you want to rule out sexually transmitted infections, which is a very smart idea, you should see your doctor to make sure that you know, what is being treated.

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