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Knee replacement can be a worrisome prospect for many people. If you’re wondering how to get through full knee replacement surgery and come out the other side with restored mobility, good news: the CORI◊ Surgical System was designed to help improve range of motion after knee surgery by closely replicating the original structure of your knee.

What Is The CORI◊ Surgical System?

Knee replacement can be a worrisome prospect for many people. If you’re wondering how to get through full knee replacement surgery and come out the other side with restored mobility, good news: the CORI◊ Surgical System was designed to help improve range of motion after knee surgery by closely replicating the original structure of your knee.


Before surgery

At the start of your surgical journey, Dr. Strasburger uses the CORI system to create a customized 3D digital model of your knee. He uses the information provided by this three-dimensional view to select the Smith+Nephew implant that most closely matches your natural knee structure.


Since the system is able to precisely scan your knee, you can skip the customary CT scan or MRI of the knee joint that accompanies traditional surgical techniques. All of the data Dr. Strasburger needs about the inside of your knee joint is captured by the CORI system and saved for the day of the surgery.


During surgery


During the actual knee replacement procedure, the CORI system works alongside Dr. Strasburger’s hands, so his knowledge and skill are enhanced and supplemented by the incredible precision of the system. 


Precise information about your knee is sent continuously from the system to your surgeon, at a rate of around 300 times per second, so there’s no lag between the images Dr. Strasburger sees and the motion of his hands as he completes the surgical procedure.  


He can quickly and accurately remove damaged surfaces, balance your joint, and position the implant based on your unique anatomy in real-time. The implant is constructed of extremely strong materials and delivers a naturally shaped knee with the ideal form and function to match your previous balance and stride. 


The implant for your specific case will be chosen from a range of implants designed to closely match almost any patient’s existing bone and joint structure. This means there is less cutting and reconstruction required when it comes time to fit the implant in place. 


After surgery


If you’re receiving partial knee replacement, for a single compartment of the knee, you’ll be able to keep as much of your healthy bone and cartilage as possible. In either case, surgery can be accomplished more quickly and with less damage to your knee’s internal structure, meaning recovery times can be reduced over traditional knee replacement surgery. 


Unlike standard surgical methods, which used rods inserted into the thigh bone to manually guide implant placement, the presurgical capabilities of CORI allow us to achieve proper alignment without these surgical cutting guides. In addition, the elimination of pre-surgery scans cuts down on radiation exposure.  


Knee replacement with CORI in the hands of a surgeon you trust is an unbeatable combination. For more information, explore our CORI◊ resource library. 


Important Safety Notes

Not all patients are candidates for the Smith+Nephew knee products. Knee replacement surgery is intended to relieve knee pain and improve knee functions. Implants may not produce the same feel or function as your original knee, and individual results will vary. Potential risks include loosening, wear, and infection that may result in the need for additional surgery. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure including CORI-enabled Knee Replacement. The CORI Surgical System is not for everyone. Discuss your condition and implant options with your surgeon to determine if the CORI Surgical System is right for you. Children, pregnant women, patients who have mental or neuromuscular disorders that do not allow control of the knee joint, and morbidly obese patients should not undergo a CORI-enabled procedure. The information listed in this brochure is for informational purposes and is not meant as medical advice. For more information, please talk to your surgeon.
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