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A Cut Above the Rest – How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon

Medically reviewed by Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

Have you ever seen “Botched”? This reality TV show follows two plastic surgeons while they try to fix botched cosmetic surgeries. Of course, when you watch, you wonder, “How did these people get here in the first place? How did their surgeries go so wrong?” Part of the answer to that question is–they didn’t do their research on who was doing their surgery BEFORE it took place.


Demand for cosmetic surgery in the United States continues to rise even with the backdrop of economic recession. Furthermore, an increasing number of providers from plastic surgery backgrounds and non–plastic surgery backgrounds alike are offering services to cosmetic patients.


A person’s choice of cosmetic surgeon will be a choice that they live with for years, if not their entire life. A successful plastic surgery procedure can make a person feel more self confident. On the other hand, ending up in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon increases the chances of having poor results, which can lead to additional costs, time, and heartache. In a study determining what patients valued most when choosing a plastic surgeon, the most important attributes were board certification and method of referral.


Here are some tips to keep you away from any “botched” cosmetic surgery.


  • Make sure that the surgeon is board certified. Plastic surgery is very lucrative for doctors and so, unfortunately, there are many doctors fighting for a piece of the pie. Many doctors with general surgery or other medical training hop on the cosmetic surgery bandwagon in pursuit of greater profits. Therefore, finding a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has plenty of experience in one’s chosen procedure is critical to achieving optimal results. The government does not require a surgeon to be specifically trained in the procedures they offer. In a study ascertaining the factors impacting surgeon choice, it was found that surgeon reputation (9.21 on a scale of 0-10) and board certification (9.20) were the most important factors indicated by subjects. 
  • Expertise in desired surgery area. There are currently an estimated 7,943 board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States. However, this number is a profound underestimate of practicing cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgery is complicated–each area of cosmetic surgery requires different skills. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a surgeon who is board certified in cosmetic surgery and has substantial experience in the procedure that you are considering.
  • Compare desired results by requesting to see before/after photographs. Another important factor that can assist when choosing a plastic surgeon is to look for consistency in a surgeon’s results for all patients who have previously had the specific procedure that you are considering. Consider whether their results reflect the results that you desire after your surgery.
  • Consider the operating facility. A patient’s safety during surgery depends in large part on the anesthesiologist and the operating facility. It is recommended that a Board Certified Anesthesiologist administers your anesthesia. In addition, safe operating facilities contain key life support functions.


Choosing which surgeon makes the cut requires a patient to do extensive research as to the qualifications, certifications, expertise, and operating facilities of their chosen surgeon. Putting the best face on cosmetic surgeons requires determining board certification and expertise in the chosen area of plastic surgery and will hopefully save the patient from a lot of unnecessary stress and complications.


Written by Joanne Myers

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