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Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss

Medically reviewed by Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

Losing a considerable amount of weight is a life-changing experience. A person who has recently shed large amounts of body fat will need to reconcile themselves with the way their clothes feel, how their body moves, and all the many things that go along with sudden and drastic changes to the body. This person will literally need to get comfortable in their own skin again–massive weight loss tends to mean removed or severely depleted fat cells, leaving the skin that was previously stretched over those areas slack and unsupported. Body contouring is the practice of removing or reshaping the loose skin. Here’s what you need to know about it. 


Surgical Body Contouring


If your weight loss was caused by a surgical procedure (for example, liposuction or the use of a gastric band), contouring will usually take the form of a secondary procedure some time after your original weight loss surgery. Your doctor will remove the extra skin left hanging–literally–by your weight loss. The remaining skin will be stitched together in a place where the scar will be minimally noticeable and sit along the natural lines of the body. 


While this method is a quick and effective means of contouring your body, there are potential downsides. Foremost among them is the added costs and recovery times that multiple contouring procedures will involve. There is also an increased risk of infection or surgical complication, and you may find your process of recovery and acclimation to your new body shape significantly slowed. 


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Weight Loss Surgery - Plastic Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery - Plastic Surgery



Surgical body contouring can mean a number of changes to your lifestyle, and it might take time to get used to your new shape. Like most parts of surgical weight loss, you’ll need to commit to maintaining your newly reduced figure. Ask your surgical team about contouring exercises you can do to strengthen your skin tone and reduce stretch marks or sagging. Once prescribed these exercises, stick to them; nothing but persistence makes an exercise routine effective. 


It may take some time to get used to the idea mentally as well. You’ll find yourself moving differently and experiencing new and unusual sensations that your old shape may not have had. Try to take it slow for the first few days; in addition to giving yourself more time to recuperate from the surgery, you’ll be able to gain a more gradual understanding of what your physical limits and capabilities are post-operation. 




Massive weight loss has become more common in recent years, and weight loss surgery has added to that. Without proper contouring after massive weight loss, an individual may find themselves with extra skin that is, quite literally, a few sizes too large for them. Ask your doctor or surgical team to help you pick the contouring methods that are best for your specific situation.


Written by Shlomo Witty

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