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Laser Resurfacing Treatments for Aging Skin

Medically reviewed by Sagar Patel, MD, Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

The aging process is something we all go through, but some of us age more gracefully than others. There are a lot of factors that determine how you age. Some of the main ones are genetics, sun exposure, diet, and habits like drinking or smoking. If you’ve been noticing that your skin doesn’t look as tight and youthful as it once did, don’t despair. Nowadays, there are many different treatments you can choose from to rejuvenate your skin. One of these is called laser and radiofrequency treatment or laser skin resurfacing.


Types of lasers and how they work


If you think laser skin resurfacing may be right for you, consult with a licensed and trusted cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to discuss your options. Your doctor will recommend one of two types of laser treatment: Ablative or non-ablative


Ablative lasers remove a thin layer of skin to stimulate the growth of collagen fibers. As the skin begins to heal, the exposed area will take on a smooth, tight appearance. Ablative laser resurfacing can be done with a CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser, an erbium laser, or a combination of the two.


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Skin Care – Aging

Skin Care – Aging

Non-ablative lasers do not remove any skin at all. Instead, the treatment is done heating the deeper skin to stimulate regeneration. Non-ablative lasers also stimulate collagen fiber growth, but they are generally less effective than ablative lasers in treating aging but can certainly help with texture, pigmentation and tone. 


Ablative laser treatments usually cost over $2,500 per session, while non-ablative laser treatments cost around $1,500.


Before, during and after the procedure


Several weeks before the procedure, your doctor will need to prepare your skin for the laser treatment. Your doctor will also inform you of the potential side effects, which may include burning, swelling, infection, redness, or scars. To mitigate your risk of side effects, follow the doctor’s advice carefully. 


During the procedure itself, your doctor will apply an anesthetic to your skin. Then, your skin will be cleaned to remove any bacteria, dirt, or oil. When this is done, the laser treatment begins. The duration of the procedure depends on the surface area of skin being targeted. 


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Skin Care – Anti-Aging

Skin Care – Anti-Aging

After the procedure, your doctor may wrap your skin in bandages to protect it. The healing process can take from 3 to 28 days, depending on how much skin was treated by the laser. Expect to have red, peeling skin for a few days after the procedure. 


During this recovery period, you’ll need to clean your skin with a special solution. Your provider will recommend a suitable skincare product. You can also use moisturizer if your skin is feeling dry, but ask your doctor about which types are okay to use.


The results of the laser treatment are not permanent. Your skin will take on a youthful appearance but the procedure does not stop time and your aging will continue. 


The bottom line


Laser skin treatment can help you restore that smooth, glowing skin you once had. The procedure is relatively safe and poses little risk to your skin, but it does need to be repeated every few years if you want to keep the results. 


Written by Natan Rosenfeld

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