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What Are Cheek Fillers?

Medically reviewed by Sagar Patel, MD, Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

If you’re self-conscious about your facial structure, you’re not alone. Over one million Americans opt for facial reconstruction surgeries every year. Nose jobs (223,018 in 2016), ear alterations (23,709 in 2016), and eyelid surgeries (206,529 in 2016) are common in the United States. We live in a society where looks are very important to many. So it’s no wonder that cosmetic surgeries are becoming more and more popular across America.


Cheek fillers: A popular type of plastic surgery


One type of facial contouring involves reshaping your cheekbones, by injecting a dermal filler into your cheeks. These injections are called “cheek fillers,” and they are popular among Americans who feel that their cheekbones could use retouching. Cheek fillers can lift and shape your cheekbones.


How does it work?


The process is done through a series of injections into the cheek area. Your surgeon will use an FDA-approved dermal filler, either hyaluronic acid (example: Juvederm or Restylane) or poly-L-,lactic acid (Sculptra) before and during the surgery.


During your procedure, your injector will first apply an anesthetic to the site of injection. Then he or she will begin the injections, which will take only about 20 minutes.


When your procedure is complete, the initial results should be noticeable immediately. However, it may take a few days for the cheek fillers to properly settle into your face. After the surgery, you’ll be able to resume all normal activities, such as driving and exercising, although it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after the procedure.


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Benefits and risks of cheek fillers


Getting cheek fillers is a low-risk procedure that carries a low risk of infection or further complications. The procedure does not take long, and there is no real recovery period. Cheek fillers are also easy to modify, so if you’re thinking of changing your look, it’s relatively simple to do so. 


Cheek fillers may have a few side effects, which are generally not serious. Side effects can include swelling, bruising, itching, or redness in the area of injection. Serious side effects, though, may occur in extremely rare cases, like filler leakage, vein injury, or even vision loss. Using an experienced, trusted cosmetic surgeon greatly mitigates your risk of suffering adverse effects.


The bottom line


Cheek filler is a quick and easy process. The risk of side effects is low, and recovery time is almost nonexistent. Thus, cheek fillers are a great option for those who aren’t happy with their existing facial structure and want to make a few changes.


Written by Natan Rosenfeld

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