What Is Enhanced Recovery?

What Is Enhanced Recovery?

December 30, 2021
Ray Scott Daugherty, MD
Ray Scott Daugherty, MD

Colon and Rectal Surgery



With regards to colon surgery, a lot of colorectal surgeons used what’s called enhanced recovery. Enhanced recovery after surgery is a method of allowing the patient to really get back to normal as quick as possible and aids in allowing them to be discharged from the hospital in a quick fashion.


Oftentimes now we actually let patients have a liquid diet, either the same day of surgery or the next day, and we often advance very quickly to a solid or soft diet.


In my practice, I have my patients ambulating the morning after surgery, or even sometimes the night of, and oftentimes they’ll begin having bowel function the day of surgery, or maybe the second day after, and usually they’re gone by two days after surgery.


Key Takeaways

1. With regards to colon surgery, a lot of colorectal surgeons used what’s called enhanced recovery.

2. Enhanced recovery after surgery is a method of allowing the patient to get back to normal as quickly as possible and helps in allowing them to be discharged from the hospital quickly.

3. Oftentimes patients have a liquid diet, either the same day of surgery or the next day, and advance very quickly to a solid or soft diet.

4. Patients will often be ambulating (walking and moving around) the morning after surgery, or even sometimes the night of, and oftentimes they’ll begin having bowel function a day or two after surgery.