Archives: Platform Articles

The Healing Diet: Accelerating Your Recovery After Orthopaedic Surgery

The Family That Moves Together: A Guide to Embracing an Active Lifestyle

Prioritizing Bone Health

The Power of Second Opinions: Empowering Patients and Elevating Healthcare

Five Remedies for Chronic Hip Discomfort

A Healthy New Year: How to Make Your Resolutions Stick

Tips for Easing Winter Arthritis Symptoms

How to Help Kids Stay Active During Colder Months

Preventing Common Foot and Ankle Injuries

How Young Athletes Can Manage Injuries to Promote a Faster Recovery

Rotator Cuff: What is it, and How Does it Get Injured?

Meditation Tips for Mindfulness and Stress Relief

How Young Athletes Can Protect Their Joints

What are hemorrhoids?

How to Stay Active as a Family This Summer

Knee Replacement Surgery: What to Expect

Ozempic and Semaglutide – What’s the Buzz?

5 Tips for Preventing Track and Field Injuries

5 Ways Young Athletes Can Prepare for Spring Sports

Can I use Medicare for Back surgery in Los Angeles?

How Your Daily Nutrition Can Affect Your Joint Health

The DNA of entrepreneurs: How your genes could determine your business success

The Difference Between Tumor and Cancer

5 Tricks to Help Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Sleep Apnea – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

The Top 5 Snow Sports Injuries and How To Help Prevent Them

CORI◊ Robotics-Assisted Surgical System: Precision Above the Rest

Common Fall Sports Injuries

10 Tips to Avoid Morning Joint Stiffness

The Coffee Conundrum

Treating Joint Discomfort Holistically with PRP Injections

Help Prevent Sports-Related Injuries and Finish Your Season Strong

Stay Hydrated This Summer to Help Avoid Joint Discomfort

Staying Active and Healthy Even With a Desk Job

How the Syracuse Area Health – Strasburger Orthopaedics Athletic Training Program Works

What Is The CORI◊ Surgical System?

How Long Are ACL Recovery Times?

What is an Orthopaedic MRI?

Common Track And Field Injuries & Prevention

5 Ways to Get Through Winter Surgery Recovery

Flu and Flu Vaccines

Retinal Detachment: Causes, Symptoms, Surgery & Treatment

6 Tips for Alleviating Winter Arthritis Pain

Pulmonary Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

Examining Football Injuries and Treatment Options

Advances in Neuromodulation

Smoking Cessation: Helping Our Patients Achieve Their New Year’s Resolution

Medicine in Motion: The Mission of Syracuse Area Health – Strasburger Orthopaedics

What Is Robotics-Assisted Knee Replacement?

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